

Browse Result: Showing Top 10 Results

Searching For: 2722-2179 2722-2179

Kemampuan Pemahaman Matematis Siswa dengan Menggunakan Cabri 3D

The purpose of this study was to determine differences in students' mathematical understanding abilities between those using Cabri 3D by…

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Views: 1

Estimasi Jumlah Murid Baru Menggunakan Metode Forecasting

Of the many forecasting methods or forecasting, the Linear Regression Method can be used to predict or predict the number…

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Views: 1

Pengaruh Pendekatan Somatis Auditori Visual Intelektual (SAVI) terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Siswa SMA

The purpose of this study are to find out whether increasing students 'mathematical connection ability with learning using the SAVI…

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Views: 1

Pencapaian Kemampuan Low Order Thinking Siswa antara Pembelajaran Probing Prompting dan Matematika Realistik

Not infrequently when students are dealing with mathematics problems where they do not know what they are supposed to do.…

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Views: 1

Pembelajaran Penemuan Terbimbing terhadap Kemampuan Generalisasi Matematis Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama

The purpose of the research for to know the difference mathematical generalization ability of student are taught by use guided…

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Views: 1

Pencapaian Kompetensi Geometri Siswa dengan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Pair Checks dan Teams Games Tournament

Students also have not been able to formulate interactions between given elements, questions to be solved, and appropriate mathematical concepts…

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Views: 1

Eksperimentasi Model Student Facilitator and Explaining dan Probing-Prompting Ditinjau dari Penalaran Matematis

This research aims are to know: (1) are there differences in learning outcomes between learning models Student Facilitator and Explaining…

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Views: 1

Analisis Penerapan Pendidikan Karakter dalam Pembelajaran Matematika di SMP Negeri 1 Simpangkatis Kelas VIII dan MA Muhammadiyah Gantung Kelas X MIA

This study aims to discuss the analysis of the application of character education in mathematics learning at SMP Negeri 1…

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Views: 1

Bagaimana Mengembangkan Kemampuan Spasial dalam Pembelajaran Matematika di Sekolah?: Suatu Tinjauan Literatur

Spatial ability is an important one of the abilities for completing many tasks in everyday life successfully. Spatial ability is…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1

Analisis Kemampuan Representasi Matematis Siswa SMK Ditinjau dari Gaya Belajar

This research aims to describe the mathematical representation abilities of vocational school students in terms of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1


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